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How to Use Your GoPro as a Webcam with OBS Studio (No Capture Card Required)

2024-02-05T15:50:19+01:00April 14th, 2020|Categories: How-Tos|Tags: , , , , , |

If you are stuck at home like me and have some old gear lying around you might wonder what you can do with it to put it to some use. Maybe you got no webcam for your video calls, but you have an old GoPro. Most websites and videos say you need a capture card [...]

Camping Trip to Cres, Croatia

2024-02-05T15:53:38+01:00June 6th, 2018|Categories: Nature, Personal, Photos, Travel, Videos|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Three years ago my girlfriend and I took a trip to Cres, Croatia. I have never edited the pictures I took during that trip. As I am preparing yet another camping trip - this time all the way North to Norway - I thought I post some of my Croatia pictures to get them finally [...]


2024-02-05T15:55:29+01:00February 24th, 2018|Categories: Nature, Panoramas, Photos, Travel|Tags: , , , |

The mountain calls... In the north of Styria lies Mount Hochschwab. This wonderful mountainscape is home to tons of animals like groundhogs, chamoises and alpine ibexes. Quite some time ago I grabbed my camera (with way too much additional gear) and made my way to the top to bring you folks some amazing photos and [...]

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