When I woke up on Thursday morning the sun was illuminating my (dirty) window and I thought that it would be a lovely day to take some photos. As I have a guest from abroad at the moment I wanted to show her a little bit of Lower Austria, especially some places near my home village. We ended up driving to Castle Grafenegg and the park surrounding it. It is a lovely place and I highly suggest it to you if you want to do a little sightseeing outside Vienna. I only took some snapshots in the park as I covered this area in a post before. Take a look at Krems, Stein & Castle Grafenegg for more images of Grafenegg.
Helmut2024-02-05T19:39:53+01:00September 19th, 2011|Kategorien: Fotos, Natur|Tags: Burg, Park, Schloss Grafenegg, trockene Erde|0 Kommentare
Über den Autor: Helmut
Helmut Steiner ist Berufsfotograf, Softwareentwickler und Gourmet aus Wien. Er liebt es, mit natürlichem Licht zu arbeiten, experimentiert aber auch gerne in seinem Fotostudio in Niederösterreich. Helmut ist bekannt für seine großflächigen Panoramadrucke von Natur- und Bergszenen, die er auf seinen Entdeckungsreisen rund um unseren wunderbaren Planeten aufnimmt.
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