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Über Helmut

Helmut Steiner ist Berufsfotograf, Softwareentwickler und Gourmet aus Wien. Er liebt es, mit natürlichem Licht zu arbeiten, experimentiert aber auch gerne in seinem Fotostudio in Niederösterreich. Helmut ist bekannt für seine großflächigen Panoramadrucke von Natur- und Bergszenen, die er auf seinen Entdeckungsreisen rund um unseren wunderbaren Planeten aufnimmt.

Fête Blanche @ Pörtschach

2024-02-05T22:18:31+01:00Juli 29th, 2010|Kategorien: Fotos, Privates|Tags: , , |

Last week friends and I were at the Fête Blanche Party in Pörtschach. It was really nice except the over-the-top-prices on drinks and the heavy rain which started after midnight... Gogo dancers in Pörtschach Young lady from Klagenfurt A nice back :) Hmmm... Who said Cosa Nostra?! :D Went on stage and took some photos [...]

Sigma 50mm 1.4 lens @ MQ

2024-02-05T22:18:40+01:00Juli 21st, 2010|Kategorien: Fotos, Privates, Street|Tags: , , |

Last Night I was testing my new Sigma 50mm 1.4 lens at the Museumsquartier in Vienna. First three pictures from the first district (fence at Hofburg and a staircase)... Some random shots from MQ where I met Undine and Astrid. Bokeh of the new lens Tired girl Reflections Music == Emotion On my way home [...]

Photoshoot with Linda

2024-02-05T22:18:54+01:00Juli 20th, 2010|Kategorien: Fotos, Shootings|Tags: , , , , , , |

After moving Steffi's stuff out of her apartment and spreading it on locations all over Vienna (one of them was my cellar) Linda was already waiting in front of my door. She contacted me after seeing Katrin's photos because she wanted some nice pictures for her boyfriend. One quick Pizza and a short shower later [...]

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