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Über Helmut

Helmut Steiner ist Berufsfotograf, Softwareentwickler und Gourmet aus Wien. Er liebt es, mit natürlichem Licht zu arbeiten, experimentiert aber auch gerne in seinem Fotostudio in Niederösterreich. Helmut ist bekannt für seine großflächigen Panoramadrucke von Natur- und Bergszenen, die er auf seinen Entdeckungsreisen rund um unseren wunderbaren Planeten aufnimmt.

Central Cemetery

2024-02-05T21:32:35+01:00Juni 8th, 2011|Kategorien: Fotos, Privates, Shootings|Tags: , , , , , , , |

On Friday my couch surfers and I visited Vienna's Central Cemetery. During our stay a thunderstorm came up - heavy wind, rain, thunder and lightning... what a perfect setting for taking pictures! We went to the old Jewish part of the cemetery where - over the years - nature took over. As all other visitors [...]

World No Tobacco Day

2024-02-05T21:32:51+01:00Juni 1st, 2011|Kategorien: Events, Fotos, Privates|Tags: , , , , |

Yesterday a flash mob organised by a friend of mine took place at the Stephansplatz in the very heart of Vienna. People with orange and white shirts formed a cigarette and got crossed by a red line of people to symbolise a non-smoking sign. Unfortunately the flash mob was attended by very few people... :( [...]

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