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Vienna Air King

2024-02-05T21:46:01+01:00April 8th, 2011|Kategorien: Events, Fotos|Tags: , , , , |

Last weekend was Austria's biggest bike event, the ARGUS Bike Festival, at the Townhall Square in Vienna. Part of it was the Vienna Air King "an international dirt jump competition, which is held every April and functions as the annual bike season kick off event in Europe".

Berlin – Tacheles

2024-02-05T21:48:01+01:00Januar 12th, 2011|Kategorien: Fotos, Privates, Reise|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

As I took so many pictures in Berlin, I thought it would be a good idea to divide them in different categories. So today's post will be the first in a small series. It's all about a totally rundown place called Tacheles - a house and court with about 30 ateliers, small theaters and all [...]

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