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2024-02-05T19:36:24+01:00November 23rd, 2011|Kategorien: Fotos, Shootings|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

A few weeks ago I read an article on called Liebesleben. I loved the photographs that's why I decided to try something similar myself. I didn't want to copy the style but rather give the pictures a personal touch. Thanks again to the models for sharing such intimacy!! Please let me know what you [...]

Thank you!

2024-02-05T19:37:21+01:00Oktober 27th, 2011|Kategorien: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Over 200 guests came to the opening of my first exhibition at the Amerika Haus and made it a great success. Thanks to everybody! Special thanks go to Mr. Fuchs for the fabulous organization, Mr. Mantl for his support and the great collaboration, Ms. Kohlenberger for her commitment and superb help and last but not [...]

From New York to L.A. – Photo Exhibition

2024-02-05T19:37:49+01:00Oktober 18th, 2011|Kategorien: News|Tags: , , , , |

I am presenting photographs of my journey from U.S. coast to coast. Opening October 25, 2011, 6:00 p.m. Venue Amerika Haus Friedrich Schmidt Platz 2 1010 Vienna (U2 Rathaus) Welcome note Jan Krč, Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy Josef Mantl, Spokesman of the Sustainable Future Campaign Music by Al Axy (Vocals) Paul Dolejschi (Guitar) [...]

Levitation and BTS

2024-02-05T19:38:10+01:00Oktober 13th, 2011|Kategorien: Fotos, Shootings|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In Grafenegg we also tried out some levitation shots. I never did that before and there are a lot of things I learned. It's damn hard to let it look natural... Well, maybe next time... :) Furthermore we did some portrait shots and because it's always funny to show some behind the scenes footage I [...]

Dürnstein Castle

2024-02-05T19:39:28+01:00September 21st, 2011|Kategorien: Fotos, Natur, Panoramen|Tags: , , , , |

Dürnstein once was a medieval castle. King Richard I Lionheart of England was held captive there by Duke Leopold V of Austria after their dispute during the Third Crusade. The ruins and the city lying below are now one of the most visited tourist destinations in the Wachau in Lower Austria.

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