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2024-02-05T19:36:23+01:00November 23rd, 2011|Categories: Photos, Shootings|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

A few weeks ago I read an article on called Liebesleben. I loved the photographs that's why I decided to try something similar myself. I didn't want to copy the style but rather give the pictures a personal touch. Thanks again to the models for sharing such intimacy!! Please let me know what you [...]

Levitation and BTS

2024-02-05T19:38:10+01:00October 13th, 2011|Categories: Photos, Shootings|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In Grafenegg we also tried out some levitation shots. I never did that before and there are a lot of things I learned. It's damn hard to let it look natural... Well, maybe next time... :) Furthermore we did some portrait shots and because it's always funny to show some behind the scenes footage I [...]

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